Friday 22 May 2009


Have you ever encountered a situation where you're really disappointed in yourself?
Wishing that you could turn back the time and do something differently?

Knowing that without that nervousness, that uncertainty, that tiredness, that nagging feeling behind your head that you shouldn't have done that but the autopilot mode doesn't allow you to trust your instinct and still continue digging a deeper hole..... knowing that without all those, you would have sailed through that dreaded mock exam easily and even ace it!

I don't know what is worse, failing because you absolutely don't know anything or failing because you can't perform under duress but the knowledge is there.

I want to turn myself into a punching bag and kick and strangle myself a few times now.

Enough of my ranting. From today onwards, it will be the last stretch, the last chance to give it all, the last opportunity to show what I've really got.

I hate exams, I really do.


a*hui said...

mock doesn't count,rite?
nvm, stay calm during the real one...u can do it, noreeen!!!
good luck :):)

h.3.l.3.n said...

same here! we know more but the stress sorts of cut 50% of our knowledge and 99% of our confidence!!!