Wednesday 8 June 2011

Bollywood Night and ATV

I seriously don't know how but we managed to squeeze in so much excitement for each weekend consecutively. Starting off with Orthopaedics Bollywood Night:

Goodness, the amount of time, effort and money spent into preparing for the dance. Am glad that it paid off.
LC and I
All dressed up for the event. My first time trying out the circle lenses which enlarges the iris. I like the effect. Hehehehe. They do make the eyes so much bigger! Now everyone can have bigger eyes.

The house officers.

The gals. Well, people were quite worried that we might be dancing in those outfits.

The guys.

Me with SS.

All smiles for the camera.

Ushers on one side.

Ushers on the other side.

The grand opening with professional dancers.

We were well entertained by all the colours and energetic moves.

I cannot exactly taste the food when it was served as our group was the first to perform that night. Getting all that butterflies in the stomach. Plus with all the stunts that we were going to perform, there's no way I could eat any of those.
The finishing move. I remembered almost falling off at one point. The only reassuring thing was that if anyone broke any bones, we were surrounded by the right people. Hahahahahaha.

Group picture.

And the winner! I can't believe we won first place!

I loved the MC for that night. He is really one funny man who is passionate about his job. Imagine keeping a bunch of grumpy doctors entertained for almost 6 hours. And the things he made the audience do.


This is one dangerous sport to do if you have really bad driving skills like me. It's located deep into the jungle after the turning into Zoo Negara.
All the mini 4 wheels.

All smiles before we knew the dangers ahead.


The guys.
The girls.

This sport is only safe for those with good maneuvering skills and arm strength which I don't possess. I almost overturned 3 times! Could have broke something. I somehow managed to survive and returned in one piece but with a few bruises here and there.

Finally we reached our destination - the waterfall.

The tiny waterfall in the middle of nowhere.

The relaxing ambiance.

I'm still alive after all that danger. It was already getting dark by the time we started on our long way home. This time, we had to switch on our lights. On the 3rd time of almost toppling over and being squashed by the vehicle, I got myself a personal driver as I was too dangerous for my own good. Haih.....

All the exhausted people. 2 of us were even oncall the next day. I somehow survived setting lines with tremours in my hands due to overexertion of my arms that day.

Back to my old boring life after this. My team is active tomorrow....noooooooooo........Please, old people at home, do not try anything adventurous. People on the roads, drive safely. Maybe you all should just stay at home. Sports is not a good idea this weekend too. Hahahahahaha.

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