Saturday 14 August 2010


Inspired after reading Flower Monster's blog entry Promise, I will also plagarise her entry:

I promise to blog tomorrow...nooo...tomorrow is going for share talks day...I promise to blog on Monday!!!

It's so weird that there's so many reasons to blog and not to blog. When exams is near, suddenly blogging doesn't seem so tedious and I'm impressed at the extent that I would go to blog, including giving-up the extremely precious time to sleep. Then the holidays arrive and suddenly, I'm extremely bored at home but I rather be bored than making the effort to extract photos from the DVD, arrange them, upload and blog. Humans are still most productive when place under pressure.

Actually I'm not as relaxed as I may sound. I'm busy learning new skills and chasing my dream of retiring rich and young. Yes, I've decided to pursue this dream at this point in time. I think I may be able to use my medical degree to wrap nasi lemak in the near future.

1 comment:

h.3.l.3.n said...

very expensive nasi lemak u r wrapping with ur cert~