Saturday 17 April 2010

To pack or not to pack, that is the question

Here I am, reading the latest updates of flights, the current activity of Eyjafjallajokull volcano (please don't make me pronounce the name), refreshing Ryanair's website at least once every hour, wondering if I should pack my bag or not. Haih......

What will be my fate on Monday? Will the skies be clear? Will the airports be packed with travelers again? Will the planes take off? What if I manage to fly out of the UK but not back in again? Skip a few days of term? That doesn't sound too bad.

Any suggestions for Plan B? Road trip around the UK instead? Alton towers? Cornwall? Go down to London to watch Phantom of the Opera?

Maybe I'll end up with Plan C: 1 week hibernation

Mother nature, why of all times, of all volcanoes, of all wind directions?

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