Wednesday 9 February 2011

I wished I had more holidays

Started oncall on Sunday, first day after my 4 days leave for Chinese New Year, with 3 exchange transfusions, 2 times for the same patient and another time on a new admission which came in the middle of the night. Didn't even get to rest. All the work was non-stop till Monday and I went home totally drained.

Tuesday, I was almost forced to go oncall as someone took emergency leave. Was too tired and too busy on the ward. Luckily didn't have to go oncall. Managed to sneaked home at 8.30pm. Seriously, I don't know how can people function that long hours and not make mistakes. I get so irritated when we complain and the seniors will answer with, 'Back in the days when I was a house officer.......'. Times have changed and I rather get treated by a well rested medical personnel then someone who is struggling to stay awake.

The eczema on the back of my hands are getting bad again. They have improved tremendously over the 4 days of rest that I had over CNY. All that recovery down the drain. I have been wanting to seek medical treatment but just don't have the time. The irony!

Was thrown to another ward to help out today as one of the senior HO was on emergency leave leaving a freshly started HO on the ward. Felt so frustrated as the patient's folders keep going missing and I wasted loads of time just trying to search for them. I think I ended up doing 2 house officers workload today. SO TIRED! I'm still wondering how was the house officer training in the past. It's just physically impossible to become that efficient and to care for that many patients without compromising some parts of care. Maybe their clerking was super duper brief at that time.

I miss the times before work. We're so underpaid and under appreciated. We live on passion to care for mankind alone!

Note: Do not consider a profession in medicine in Malaysia if you require food, water and rest to live.

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