Monday 1 August 2011

Weddings in July

 July is really a popular month for weddings. I've attended two so far, one at the beginning and another at the end.

Saleena and Fariz:
One of my colleague's from Orthopaedics wedding held at Shah Alam Concorde Hotel. It was really funny on the way there as I mistakenly chose the non-toll way to Shah Alam and my GPS took us all the way to Little India, make a big turn back to Midvalley which getting caught in a really bad jam and in the end we managed to get there just in time before the bride and groom walks into the hall.

 The new couple. Congratulations!

 The delicious main course that night served with Nasi Briyani.


 Goodness, I was postcall that day. I looked so tired.

 The guys.

 Rashidah and Mujaheed:
 A fairytale garden wedding in Malaysia. We were lucky that the weather permitted. I just found out that it was chocolate jam in the jar.

 Beautifully decorated layout in the garden.

 Mini reunion!!!!! Haven't seen H and M for such a long time. At least we still look as young as before. Hehehehe.

 Here comes the bride and bridegroom.

 Food to fatten us up that night.

 Caramel cream for desserts.

 Chocolate muffins!

The really nice teh tarik pulled on the spot.

 I almost dropped my cup of teh tarik when the fireworks went off.

 Saw my colleague H.

 The king and queen of the day.

 I love the beautifully decorated tents with the blue and purple theme.

 I wonder if those prawns can be eaten.

 And the fruits too or are they meant to be for decoration only. Hmmmm...

Ok, spot the difference:

 Picture 1

Picture 2. Hahahaha.....the bride and groom are more sporting than the guests.

Weddings are such beautiful events bringing two people together. May there be many happy days ahead for the both of you.

Next up will be another food blog before I forget where I had them.

If I'd chosen to take the road less taken by, I'll be traveling around the world, experiencing new cultures and scenes, eating, blogging, and of course, hibernating before the next adventure.

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