Friday 18 January 2008

Keyhole surgery

It was an exciting day for me compared to the normal weekdays with hospitals, pbls, etc. I was supposed to go for Hepatitis A vaccination this morning at 9.40am, but had to postpone it till next week as I just paid 15 pounds to make my life busier 2 days ago. Signed up for an introduction to Minimal Access Surgery a.k.a. keyhole surgery.
Ok, this may be an too artistic representation of it.

It was interesting how early the idea of laparoscopic surgery came about. It was 1902 when keyhole surgery was performed on dogs and 1910 on humans. Later on, came the improvement of video camera and fibre optic technology which greatly improved the vision. It was about the 1987 when the first successful removal of gallbladder using keyhole surgery was done in France. The presentation lasted for about half an hour followed by the exciting bit - 1.5 hours of hands-on on models.

We carried out the exercise in pairs, where one had to hold the camera and the other arrange tiny beads to form 'X O' pattern and even stack up cubes of sugar. Record of highest sugar cube stood at 13....I only managed a maximum of 4. Without realising it, the session was soon over. I wasn't even satisfied with playing with the equipment. Hopefully there will be another opportunity.

Currently thinking of a career in laparoscopic surgery. It's interesting, not as gruesome as open surgeries, plus there is great prospective in it. Now, should I sign up for the suturing classes? It does cost 15 pounds. Let me check my bank account first.

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