Saturday 14 March 2009


Time has pass me by,
I thought I knew you better,
Thinking back the moment we said hi,
The differences we have, does it matter?

Relationships are always a puzzle to me,
Some straight forward, some unpredictable,
Each time, we're searching for the key,
To unlock with one deemed most suitable.

I was reminded of many things of the past,
Memories buried deep somewhere almost forgotten,
The first time I felt belonged with friends whom I trust,
But truth hurts, I was unarmed and badly bitten.

I curled into my 'safe' zone that instance,
Seeking shelter behind this invincible wall,
Only maintaining superficial acquaintance,
It is not worth risking another fall.

Time does heal, slowly I started involving,
The walls started crumbling, soon it was gone,
I learned to forgive, the guilt slowly dissolving,
I am willing to risk it again, to you I was drawn.

Friendships are such precious things,
The more we understand, the more we realise,
It is not what we expect, the differences it brings,
It will test our patience, how much we can compromise.

Hated myself for not knowing, what will I give to prevent,
Seriously shocked and devastated with this predicament,
Wished that it had not develop to this extent,
Can't there be forgiveness and reconcilement?


Anonymous said...

people are not perfect, things happen, misunderstandings happen and personal interests sometimes take centre stage

to withdraw each time is a seemingly good guard but one day when it is no longer significant, you wonder why the friendship was lost over something so elementary - quite surely everything monumental now will almost be trivial in the near future.

to totally forget and not be mindful is simply to throw caution to the wind and open ourselves to more hurt and repeated hurt does nothing but kill all hope..

so if your post is real expression of dissapointment ( or even if not one day it might be useful) then i guess my advice is to take time to get over it but in the mean time to be in peaceful terms with such a friend. Nevertheless in all friendships a certain level of guard is often necessary, not that you cannot ever have anyone to fully trust.. you can but at the back of your mind always leave an allowance for the person to err and a space for you to accept it. If you leave that small bit of distrust ( horrid word i must say) then when mistakes happen then it isn't quite so hard to swallow and learn from.

lots of love, mei lin

Windchaser said...

thank you mei lin for such meaningful advice. as you know me, don't worry too much cause i write these poems for fun and may not truly reflect what i'm going through cause that's reserved for close friends and not to be announced to the whole world through blogs.