Monday 17 May 2010

Came across this singer while reading Blink by Malcolm Gladwell

I've finished The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell, which I finally bought using the 5 pounds book voucher that our group won at the Palliative Care presentation last year. I almost forgot that I even had it. It's a really great book on how major change occur from just little interventions. His other books 'Outliers' and 'Blink' are really good too. Highly recommended. I'm halfway reading the both of them. Don't ask me why do I start on another book without finishing the one I'm on first cause that's how easily distracted I am.

As I was reading Blink, he mentioned this singer called Kenna whom had a difficult time debuting as music records did a quick feedback on his songs which resulted in a really low score. But his songs are not bad at all and finally, he's releasing his 3rd album sometime this year. I can't even place what genre his songs are, but if you like addictive beats, techno and meaningful lyrics, try playing the video here:

Ok....back to this essay.

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