Tuesday 8 April 2008

The Power of Photoshop

No wonder people said never trust anything on the Internet. With Photoshop, you can get perfect pictures without having to diet!

The picture of M and I in Basel last summer. I know! I do look really fat here. Actually, I look like this picture now......haih.....maybe I should look for my sifu and ask her to teach me how to diet. I still remember getting a certificate from her in college after finishing the course of 'Learn to eat more'. Since then, she retired and changed her profession to Diet Guru. As her toudai, I'll have to follow her footsteps as well.

Aiyo....I look so fat here. M as a good friend sacrificed to stand next to me so that I won't be the only fat person in the photo.....so touching.

OK, first step was, of course, make myself look slimmer and get rid of all the pimples on my face.


Then I can imagine how M will be complaining why I never make her look thinner and of course, I don't want her to sue me for copyright and force me to take down the pictures. Therefore, I did the same for her and the result is

Yay! Now that's what I call the perfect photo. Can develop this and hang on the wall to motivate me to diet. My next target will be to look like this before I go back to see my family.

Let me just put the 1st and last photos together so that you can see the difference.
You can start playing spot the difference with these two photos. Have fun.

I was just playing with Photoshop today and I was wondering what was all the hype about it. Browsed around the Internet and stumbled upon the secret behind it. I'm still an amateur therefore, you can see that the bars of the steel gate in the background is distorted. Oh well, need more practice.


Grace said...

menaka like that is so scary....too extreme lo!

pp said...

waaa...i wan alsooo...