Friday 11 July 2008

It is different in a real situation

I got the chance to do chest compression on a real patient during my attachment at A&E. It was really scary and exciting as all the while, I only did chest compressions on models for Basic Life Support examinations and I didn't know how hard should I press or whether I was pressing sufficiently to keep the blood circulating.

The first thing that came to my mind when I stepped up the stool, straightened my arms and positioned myself to start chest compression was, 'Oh my goodness, I could see the patient's face so clearly as I was so close to him'. My mind also wandered a bit to imagine what is it like for the patient to see me towering over him if he ever opened his eyes. Next thing was, 'This must really hurt if he could feel anything because I was practically leaning my whole body weight on him'. But these thought soon disappeared as I was trying my best to save him. This was the time when I really felt that I was saving someone and scary or not scary, pain or no pain doesn't matter anymore.

The doctors were really good. They gave constant guidance on the right technique and how I should use my weight to press rather than using the strength from my arms to minimise exhaustion. Sadly, the patient never regained spontaneous breathing or heart beat after advance life support for half an hour. The doctors had to pronounce him dead.

I felt glad that I was given a chance this early into my medical education to attempt something as important as this rather than not knowing the correct technique and not having the confidence to do it in future.

Was A&E exciting? Yes when unfortunate things happen. As students, we have very ill intentions of hoping for more accidents or mishap to happen so that there will be more excitement while posted to A&E. When I qualify, I'll hope that everybody is in good health so that my workload would be minimal. The irony!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

noreen! they actually allowed med stud to perform dat on a dying patient?? wow..anyway what an awesome experience u had!!