Tuesday 18 August 2009

Homemade Kaya

Kaya - a traditional Malaysian coconut milk and egg jam, usually spread along with butter on toast and accompanied by freshly brewed coffee or Milo ping. The thought of it will make you badly homesick.

Remembering that my dad told me that he knows how to make kaya from scratch, I got the recipe from him and made my first attempt this afternoon.

Only 3 core ingredients are needed:
1. sugar
2. coconut milk
3. eggs

I used 5 eggs, half a tin of coconut milk and 250g of sugar. I was lucky that Y3 had pandan leaves so that was thrown in to add to the flavour.

The trick is to make sure that you mix the sugar, eggs and coconut milk thoroughly and then let it steam for about 3 hours, stirring occasionally so that it doesn't clump. You'll have to prevent the steam from dripping into the kaya thus diluting it. We came up with the idea of putting aluminium foil over the bowl while steaming. That worked quite well.

Our first and successful attempt at making kaya. I didn't realise how much I missed it until I took my first bite of my kaya spreaded toast. Yummy!

I accept orders but without delivery. 1 small bottle of Noreen's homemade kaya is 3 pounds. Big bottle 5 pounds. Hehehehe.


thedivinekiss said...

Entertaining! I would love to try this recipe myself :)

Y Y Y said...

yummy!!! i think the stock can only last us for another one or 2 days...shall we make it again? hehe