Monday 4 February 2008

2 sad news today

I had my formative OSCE today which didn't go well at all. I don't know why the arrangement was to ask 2 groups to turn up at the same time, but one group will be kept in the waiting room for almost 1.5 hours before the other group will get a turn to go through the exam.

I was unlucky to be in the later group. I had already mentally prepared myself to go through the OSCEs right after I arrive but ended up having to wait for another 1.5 hours. I really hate waiting for an exam as it makes me really nervous and restless. It didn't help when your friends start revising or talk about some random stuff.

I'm a really dangerous 'doctor'. Just gave my patient the wrong dose for injection today. I was really sleepy and just assumed that a line on the syringe is 0.2mls but in actual fact, it was 0.1ml. I wonder if an underdose of 0.2mls is going to do my patient any harm. But I think I better take this seriously.

The breaking bad news station went horrible wrong for me. It's going to freak me out already if I need to give patients bad news in future. The patient herself was very intimidating. I had her for my summative exam last year and just by her presence, I already knew that I was going to fail this station. Have to get more practice.

If OSCE wasn't sufficient to make this day a sad one, the rejection of my application for the Japan exchange programme for the electives did. When I applied, I was lucky in the sense that I didn't put any high hopes in getting it. But, its impact was amplified by my performance at OSCE. Haih.......'sudah jatuh ditimpa tangga' or the English version 'it never rains but it pours'.

Well, life is a roller coaster, there are bound to be ups and downs. I just hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

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