Friday 21 March 2008

PL and BT in Liverpool part 2

Friday Night:
Yay! Love PL so much. She brought egg tarts all the way from Manchester for me! I ate like 3 that night itself. So delicious! Thanks PL. You are permitted to come any time.

We decided to go to Cheshire Oaks together with K. N and E the next day, which was my biggest mistake even after taking into account PL's reputation as a shopaholic.


I didn't know my back looked like that. Hunched, looking so tired, which I was.

In the long bus journey to Cheshire Oaks. Even PL slept off.

The boy symbolises PL who still wants to shop but the Mum, me is pulling her away saying that 'PL, that's enough for one day'.

Directions to fashion capitals, which made PL really excited. Shopaholics are really scary.

Had to bribe the shopaholic with Starbucks coffee so that we could go home. Or else, PL will be more than happy to spend the night there. At least she didn't spend more than 50 pounds which was a good sign.

Went to Sunday mass with PL cause I was just curious what they do every Sunday.

That day's mass was longer than usual with palm leaf and reading of the story of the resurrection of Jesus. It started outside the cathedral before we moved in. The choir sounded really good which was the part I enjoyed the most. The reading on resurrection of Jesus was done through singing. Interesting but I don't think I'll volunteer to follow friends to mass after this.

I brought PL and BT to Matthew street, Cavern's pub and a few other Beatles area before throwing them to the bus station and rushing off for a small meeting concerning Malaysian Night. At that time, I still couldn't believe that I was suppose to fly off to Dublin the next morning. Tiring, tiring.

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