Thursday 24 December 2009

where am i now?

Stepping down from the plane, the humidity and long immigration line greeted me.

Not long after, the immigration officer just got annoyed that there were 7 of us Malaysian passport holders in his queue when he was supposed to have his break and we saw him chasing 2 other of our group to the other lines.

taxi driver tried to con us by suddenly saying that we agreed to pay him 300 instead of the agreed 250 shortly after we departed from the airport. The first hon was sounded within 10 minutes of the drive and every 15 seconds interval from then on. Shortly after we've arrived at the city centre, he even winded down his passenger's window to scold the other driver for trying to squeeze into his lane during the ,assive traffic jam. I almost thought the drama would be over but soon after, he was stopped by a police for driving through a red light but it was settled quickly with some 'bread'. At least we got to the hotel in one peace and still paid 250.

We went hunting for dinner, found out that couscous (if that is how you spell it) is only served on a Friday. Had baguette and fried with our choice of filling of chicken or kebab with soup and more baguettes. Bought some pastries and only knew how much it was from the figure on the calculator, or even better, bought water and found out it costed 5 dirham from the one lifted hand with all fingers extended. Tried the pistachio ice-cream which tasted like cough syrup. Gave away one of the cookies while we were sharing from the box of it to a random beggar that came up so close to our group and quickly ran away. Ended up in KFC as one person in the group decided to treat all of us if we could find any branch of KFC which we did. Had people greeting us with Konnichiwa everywhere we went.

Came back and struggling to use this non-QUERTY keyboard and still itching to blog.

I'll reveal the answer and continue if I get internet connection the next time.


Anonymous said...


Windchaser said...

sorry wrong answer. answer will be revealed once i have enough motivation to start blogging about the trip. hahahaha. start of new semester blues now.