Wednesday 3 February 2010

The doctor that I wish to be

A doctor who does no harm to my patients.
Who takes necessary precaution and is extremely good knowledge wise and practical skills wise, especially the practical procedures.

'I'm sorry, I have not enough experience' will be rarely mentioned as I will be good at it the 2nd time round.
Regrets and guilt will be my reminder of this sole pledge for the rest of my life.

Remembering not the ones saved but those whom I failed to save.
This will be the burden that I will have to carry for the rest of my life.

Solely being caring will not make me a good doctor.
But being competent, safe and caring makes me the best doctor.

This memory from today, sadly, will be one of the many scars that will flash back from time to time.
I guess this will be the best punishment and reminder of the mistakes I make.

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